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Science Colloquium Series Kicks Off with Union College Professor's "A Brief History of Timekeeping"

During S Block on April 1, 2022 more than 40 students opted-in to attend Westwood High School's first Science Colloquium. Bestselling author and Union College physics professor Chad Orzel spoke to students about his latest book, "A Brief History of Timekeeping," describing humankind's development of timekeeping technology from ancient tombs that served as calendars to atomic clocks that keep modern conveniences like the Global Position System ticking. He then fielded questions from students on various physics topics, the nature of his work, and his advice for future STEM majors. The WHS Science Colloquium Series is a new pilot program that aims to bring science-focused guest speakers from industry and academia to speak to WHS students who are interested in learning more about science, engineering, or technology. Members of the Westwood community who work in scientific or science-adjacent fields and are interested in speaking in future colloquia are encouraged to email Greg Schwanbeck (

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